Losing But Still Happy

Because it’s not a zero-sum game 🙂

A peek into the volleyball match (which we almost won)

A peek into the volleyball match (which we almost won)

Today we ISS students have a sport competition in De Blinkerd between old batch and new batch — volleyball, basketball, badminton, and futsal. I was there to cheer but ended playing a few minutes in futsal… miraculously I did kick the ball several time. It’s been soooooo long ago when I last had proper sport.

The result? New batch won the basketball match.. but lost the others. (We almost won the volleyball match, by the way.) Well the old batch has been playing together for a whole year so I think it’s natural they won against us the unorganized newbies..

However I still feel very happy because:
1) I did some sports again! Yay!
2) I even tried to play badminton again (of course not in the real matches), although as usual I can’t smash the shuttlecocks;
3) We planned to train together, weekly, in the sporthall;
4) We biked to and from de Blinkerd (=7 kilometers), almost lost on our way back but we managed to find the right path again;
5) There was a pizza party in Dorus (one of the dorms) common room after it! Oh yeah, welcome back, calories!

Ok guys, please pray for me to wake up early tomorrow so I can catch up with the pile of readings! Good night! 😉

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  1. Hi, salam kenal ya. Btw, kamu kuliah di ISS Belanda ya? Boleh sharing ga ni karena saya berencana mengambil studi disana mengambil Public Policy. Bagaima cara untuk mendapatkan acceptance letter-nya ya? Apakah benar di ISS itu banyak orang Indonesia, dalam satu kelas kira-kira ada berapa orang ya? Enak gak lingkungan kampusnya, buat jalan-jalan misalnya. Tks ya.

    • Hai Binsar, salam kenal juga. Iya, saya baru mulai kuliah di ISS bulan lalu. Tahu-tahu sebentar lagi sudah mau ujian, hahaha.

      Cara dapat acceptance letter? Mau ambil master atau doktoral?
      Pertama-tama sih tentunya harus memenuhi syarat ISS, bisa ditengok di http://www.iss.nl. Selain syarat akademis, harus bikin surat motivasi yang meyakinkan (syukur-syukur tulus), dan dapat tiga surat referensi dari dosen dan atasan. Seperti perguruan tinggi di Belanda lainnya, setelah dapat acceptance letter, baru bisa daftar buat beasiswa (StuNed atau NFP). Kecuali kalau daftar Mundus MAPP (bisa baca sedikit cerita saya tentang beasiswa itu di sini) yang memang sekalian dengan beasiswanya, atau mau sekolah dengan biaya sendiri, bisa juga dapat potongan ongkos kuliah sekian persen.

      Betul, di ISS banyak orang Indonesia. Untuk angkatan saya, ada 28 orang dari 170an mahasiswa master.

      Kampusnya kecil, cuma satu gedung (namanya juga institut ya, bukan universitas), tapi lokasinya strategis, cuma 15 menit jalan kaki ke pusat kota. Kelas di term 1A besar-besar karena masih mata kuliah dasar — untuk Development Histories seangkatan digabung, untuk Sosiologi, Politik, dan Ekonomi dipecah jadi tiga. Tapi nanti setelahnya bakal lebih sedikit saat masuk mata kuliah khusus, sesuai spesialisasi masing-masing mahasiswa.

      Semoga berhasil ya 🙂

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