Tag: Berlin Page 1 of 2

Homage To The Left

History is owned by the winners and its evidence is clear in Berlin and its guidebooks: the Eastern part of the city is framed as the grey, gloomy,…

Antiquities, whose Properties?

Last week, I visited Pergamon Museum and Neues Museum, two of five museums in Museuminsel, Berlin. Using my student card, the 3-days Museum Pass, valid for 70 museums…

Artsy Bitsy Streets of Berlin

Berlin’s full of classical artworks, contemporary galleries, and of course: street art. I saw many of them in almost every street of the huge city. Here are some…

Berlin, Once Again

It is my sixth day in Berlin in this visit. I feel like I’m actually living in Berlin — I get around the metropolis everyday, taking the U-Bahn…

Back to Berlin

Tomorrow I’ll spend a week in Berlin for a study visit. I’ve been there for several days last November, to meet old friends, so I’m not really excited…

Jejak Perang Dingin di Berlin (bagian 4)

(Bagian pertama ada di sini, bagian kedua di sana, bagian ketiga di situ.) Menengok Jerman masa perang dingin tentu tak lengkap tanpa melihat sisa-sisa Tembok Berlin. Daripada ke…

Jejak Perang Dingin di Berlin (bagian 3)

(Bagian pertama ada di sini, bagian kedua di sana, ya…) DDR Museum membanggakan diri sebagai museum interaktif, dan ternyata mereka tidak berbohong. Di sana, pengunjung tak hanya melihat…

Jejak Perang Dingin di Berlin (bagian 2)

(Sudah baca bagian pertama?) Sebelum ke Pankstrasse, kami melongok ke dalam bunker Blochplatz yang dibangun pada masa perang dunia kedua dan direnovasi tahun 1980. Dibanding Pankstrasse, Blochplatz lebih…

Jejak Perang Dingin di Berlin (bagian 1)

Perang dingin berakhir dua dekade lalu, tapi Berlin memelihara peninggalannya. “Coba tebak, di mana pintu masuk bunker di sini?” ujar Andromachi Marinnou-strohm, pemandu wisata Berlin Unterwelten, di peron…

Kios Gluhwein

Wisata Kuliner di Pasar Natal Jerman

(Versi yang sudah disunting dimuat di Tempo.co.) Empat derajat Celcius. Suhu Berlin belum di bawah titik beku saat saya berkunjung November lalu. Tapi untuk orang yang puluhan tahun…

A Journey Through German’s History

Deutsches Historisches Museum, or the German Historical Museum, is the place where I spent most of my first afternoon in Berlin. It’s near the Museum Insel, or Museum…

Slideshow: First Day in Berlin

Spent the whole morning sleeping since I was so exhausted — woke up at 2.15, took off from dorm at 2.45; 1,5 hours of being lost when biked…