Tag: CEU

Kukejar Pacar ke Eropa

Hari ini menemukan tulisan lama yang dimuat di website PPI Belanda, tertanggal 10 Februari 2014. Berasa masuk mesin waktu dan melihat diri yang masih unyu.


Berita lagi ramai sama kehebohan menjelang pilgub DKI Jakarta, Zakir Naik, serangan gas beracun di Suriah, DPD yang berantem melulu, pelemahan KPK, endebre endebre… Tapi yang bikin hati…

So Long, Sudish

There’s always a first time for everything, they said, and this is my worst first time: of death of a dear, dear friend. His name is Sudish Niroula,…

Mengenang Eropa dan Beasiswa

Ini sebetulnya cerita galau bulan Oktober dan November 2014. Kebetulan ada sederet acara yang membuat saya mau tak mau mengenang Eropa sembari termehek-mehek dalam hati. Ini bukan lebay….

Graduation Ceremony and (Lots of) Unfinished Business

Ok, so two weeks ago I got to get my graduation ceremony. It’s like a HUGE reminder that after almost two years of having fun hard work, the…


What’s happened with the pledge to blog everyday? Uhm. Sorry. Been M.I.A. for a while. The usual heap of exam and papers at the end of the term…

Soros at School

Meet Mr. Soros. Yes, the George Soros, the financier who becomes wealthy for speculating and other financial acrobatics, the founder of Open Society Institute (now Open Society Foundations),…

Birthday in Budapest

Here’s a short account of my third birthday abroad, and also the third without family around — (the first one was in Manado, North Celebes, and the second…

Sekilas Senja Danube

Hari ketiga di Budapest, akhirnya saya bersirobok dengan sungai Danube, yang membelah kota ini di tengah-tengah perjalanannya melintasi sepuluh negara. Senja sedang mampir, bercermin di sungai seperti Narkissos….