Tag: ISS Page 2 of 3
Finally done my Development Theories workshop session on post-development critique and modernity/coloniality/decoloniality option. The topic’s a new beast for me although I’m glad it was mentioned in the…
Hari ini pemilihan Scholas, semacam Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa ISS. Agak sedih juga karena Indonesia nggak sukses dapat kursi di satu pun komite yang tersedia — Komite Eksekutif nol,…
He’s in my Development Theories workshop group — he’s smart, funny and nice, but I never knew that he’s so AMAZING on playing Chinese traditional flute and popping!…
Yesterday at ISS was a blast! It was the ISS International Day, when almost everyone’s showing off the best of their nations through exhibition (4-6 pm), food (6-8…
Hari Sabtu nanti ada perhelatan besar di ISS: International Day! Acara tahunan di mana (nyaris) semua mahasiswa membanggakan budaya mereka lewat pameran, makanan, dan pertunjukan. Kabarnya sih Indonesia…
Besok ujian terakhir di Term 1A: Politik Global. Tapi pikiran saya sudah melayang ke Alghero, yang bakal saya temui lusa! Bukannya belajar, saya malah sibuk nyiapin baju dan…
Mindmap — peta otak? peta benak? — sebetulnya sudah lama beken, sejak dipopulerkan Tony Buzan.. er.. tahun 1974. Hm. Di Indonesia sih sepertinya baru kedengeran sekitar tahun 2000…
Yep, it’s one more day to exam! And the situation is pretty much the same with the panel in this comic strip that was shared by a friend…
In my sociology course for Term 1A, there are tutorials after each couple of lectures. The class is usually divided into two groups which have tutorial in different…
Today’s the third day of the five-days celebration of Diwali, the festival of lights. South Asian friends in ISS held a celebration in the campus’s atrium and everyone’s…
The campus seems so gloomy: pale+no expression faces, dark circles under eyes, blank stares… We’ll have our first exams on Oct 31st-Nov 2nd (yeah exactly one week from…
Because it’s not a zero-sum game 🙂 Today we ISS students have a sport competition in De Blinkerd between old batch and new batch — volleyball, basketball, badminton,…