Tag: Brussels Page 1 of 2

Perempuan Nusantara di Poster Art Nouveau

Art nouveau adalah jenis visual favoritku sejak dulu, dan malam ini saya belajar sesuatu yang baru. Menyebut tulisan ini sebagai upaya dekolonisasi art nouveau mungkin berlebihan, anggap saja…

There’s Something About Brazil

There really is something about Brazil, which just somehow connects me with the samba country. I remember growing up with myriads of different kind of music across the…

Marcelo + Sao Paulo

The first time I met the marvellous Brazilian Marcelo Soares was two years ago, in the first GYAC Forum in Brussels, Belgium. We were together in the young…


It was after 5 pm in Brussels, two days ago. I spent the whole afternoon wandering aimlessly around the Central Station, waiting for the moment I can see…

Sampai Jumpa di Brasilia?

Anak muda berusia 18-35 tahun? Antikorupsi? Aktivis, jurnalis, atau musisi yang aktif menunjukkan prinsip antikorupsi? Kalau kamu jawab “ya” untuk ketiga pertanyaan tadi.. maka kamu bisa dapat kesempatan…

Brussels, two years ago

As Always…

..planning the next holiday trip(s) is muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch more interesting than doing the thesis. I’m not complaining, just pondering over my habit. And bragging about my next endeavours. Bear…

Karena Tak Bisa Sendiri Menghalau Korupsi

“Korupsi itu ibarat Coca-cola: siapa saja, di mana saja, kapan saja, bisa jadi pelaku atau korbannya.” — Danang Widoyoko, Koordinator Indonesia Corruption Watch, dalam sebuah diskusi kemarin (9/5)…

To Do: 2011

Learn Spanish (a long-neglected resolutions since years ago… *sigh*). Go back to campus. Build a wider network to make Indonesia better. Get closer to Yekaterinburg, in any cost….

Menghirup Komik di Brussels

Saya dan beberapa rekan sedang berjalan-jalan di Brussels, Belgia, akhir bulan Mei lalu, saat kami mendadak bersirobok dengan Tintin. Ia tak sendiri, tapi terburu-buru menuruni tangga darurat dari…

Aye Mama, Mafilika!

Kuli dziko lam’ntendere kutsidya ilo lanyanja ndikokulitu m’ntendele (there is a peaceful land on the other side of the lake and there is freedom) Ukokulibe nkhondo kulibe usiwa…

Education Institutions Should NOT Be An Incubator for Corruption

It is a fact that schools produce not only scholars, but corruptors as well. In many countries, we find that educational institutions seem to be filled by corrupt…

Embracing Youths to Fight Against Corruption

“Sir, I think the Sunshine Principle can be used to prevent corruption,” said a student in a class. The sun has the power to kill germs, he said….