Tag: Hungary


Berita lagi ramai sama kehebohan menjelang pilgub DKI Jakarta, Zakir Naik, serangan gas beracun di Suriah, DPD yang berantem melulu, pelemahan KPK, endebre endebre… Tapi yang bikin hati…

Graduation Ceremony and (Lots of) Unfinished Business

Ok, so two weeks ago I got to get my graduation ceremony. It’s like a HUGE reminder that after almost two years of having fun hard work, the…

Easter Eggs

It’s Easter — again. Today’s the Easter for Orthodox Christians, and as I have one of them as a lovely flatmate, I get my share of egg-ly fun….

Szecesszió Budapest: Török Bankház

Another szecesszió (art nouveau) gem of Budapest is the Török Bankház, the Turkish Bank. The building, designed by architects Armin Hegedűs and Henrik Böhm, was built in 1906…

Szecesszió Budapest: Ödön Lechner

I can never get enough of art nouveau, jugendstil, modernisme, sezessionstil.. or szecesszió, the Hungarians say. I’m definitely not an artist, nor an art expert neither an architect,…

From Russia With Love

A few days ago a surprise postcard arrived. Sent from Yekaterinburg, the date stamped is March 15th 2013. “I thought it’d arrive before or right on the 23rd,”…

Not The Raid, But A Rajtautes

Iko Uwais is talking in Hungarian! At least in The Raid which is renamed as A Rajtautes, in the language of Magyar people. For those who haven’t heard,…

Fuji Story

Last week I visited Fuji, a Japanese restaurant which is said to be among the best ones in Budapest. It was during an event called restaurant week, when…

Gastronomy Night with Galih

I consider myself lucky to have a cousin who comes to Budapest every Tuesday. Galih is currently a cook in one of river cruise ships which travel the…

Soros at School

Meet Mr. Soros. Yes, the George Soros, the financier who becomes wealthy for speculating and other financial acrobatics, the founder of Open Society Institute (now Open Society Foundations),…

Birthday in Budapest

Here’s a short account of my third birthday abroad, and also the third without family around — (the first one was in Manado, North Celebes, and the second…