Tag: Indonesian

Gourmet Meals with the MPs

My third day of covering Indonesian MPs was the busiest but also the best: I got a bonus to dine with them. Gourmet ones, truly not my usual…

Tears on Sunday

The lame government, again, failed to protect citizens & turned a blind eye to the radical minority. At least three Ahmadiyya believers were killed in an FPI-led ambush…

On Mother’s Day

Today’s mother’s day in Indonesia. There’s nothing domestic about Indonesian’s mother’s day. And I’m always proud of how it is different than the one celebrated in other countries….

Why and How They Fight Corruption: Stories From The Sidelines

We all are fighting corruption, but aren’t we curious why and how our friends started it? Heres short stories from three of 1000-plus people pacing back and fro…

Empowering Empowerment

When you’re having a conference of more than 1000 participants, like the conference we’ve got here, you cannot expect real dialogues inside the sessions. Most of it will…

Counting the Perception

 In a few days the Transparency International is going to publish the newest Corruption Perceptions Index. It’s an index which, simply said, measures people’s perceptions about the corruption…