Tag: blog

Engaging Media, Empowering The Movement

So we all know that media, both the conventional and the new ones, are important to be engaged in social movement to get people to know, care, and…

Once A Day

This is a promise: I will blog once a day, every single day, during my two-years journey that’s starting today. Why, you say? Well, why not? 🙂 I…

Rumah Baru

Sekarang saya ngeblog di domain saya sendiri, bungamanggiasih.com. *kacak pinggang, nggaya* Nggak mau kalah sama Fame dan Matriphe 😀 Alasannya? Hm, ya, nggaya itu tadi, biar eksis, nggak…

My First Blog Entry: Year 2000

Or was it 2001? I’ve forgotten. But I do remember I was in my 11th grade. I simply didn’t want to lag behind a friend of mine, Nofie…