Five Years… And Counting

This year is definitely a milestone for Yoga and I. Time seems to fly faster than ever before: today is our fifth anniversary already! This year we also have a life event and various decisions to make. More details are coming your way, but for the time being, please do pray that everything will go according to the plan.

It’s a weird pose, I know.

Anyway. Our five years are very colourful and I’m glad to say my (selective) memory can show me much more happy moments than the sad ones. For example, that butterfly-in-the-stomach in our early days, travelling around Eurasia, the joy of meeting each other every single time we meet, laughing our assess off for stupid things and being lost now and then.. The three years of living apart were tough for sure, but hey! we do survive it, and now we can appreciate every encounter much more than before.

Dear Yoga, thank you for your love and laughter. For trusting me, and for the wonderful journey together. Thank you for the pick-ups and the ride home, for taking care of me when I was sick, for waiting for me when I’m stuck doing the night shift at the office, for supporting me through my ups and downs.

Cheers for more years and growing old together!

Let’s enjoy the journey, sayangAku cinta kamu.

The journey is the destination, they say.

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  1. Muhammad Anta Kusuma

    What a BEAUTIFUL life! CongratuLOVEin:)

  2. asih jenie

    Caiyo Bunga! Semangat yaaaaaaa 😀 semoga dilancarkan.

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