Tag: Kenya
How do you think the technologically-literate people empower the fight against corruption? You may think they’ll use the most advanced gizmos to track or spy on the corrupters….
“Begitu keluar bandara, jangan lupa langsung lihat sebelah kiri, siapa tahu disapa jerapah-jerapah di Taman Nasional,” kata Abdallah Al-Laham, pria Palestina yang duduk di sebelah saya dalam perjalanan…
“Korupsi itu ibarat Coca-cola: siapa saja, di mana saja, kapan saja, bisa jadi pelaku atau korbannya.” — Danang Widoyoko, Koordinator Indonesia Corruption Watch, dalam sebuah diskusi kemarin (9/5)…
Membaca judul tulisan ini, saya jadi tersenyum sendiri. Soalnya, kalau dengar jargon itu, yang pertama terpikir adalah penyadapan bagi koruptor a la investigator Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Atau pelacakan…
I am not good in numbers but the equation was right this time: there are four Fairplay winner bands, and together they will make three (yes, THREE!) songs…
Who can deny the importance of technology in the digital era now? This is the time when we might smile more in front of our gadget screens instead…
When people say time flies, they really mean it. I still can vividly remember the Global Youth Anticorruption Forum (GYAC) held in Brussels last May… and suddenly here…
Ini kabar yang bikin saya senyum-senyum sendiri waktu pertama kali dikirimi surat elektronik dari Kate Declerck, Program Officer Jeunesses Musicales International. Fair Play Anti-Corruption Youth Voices dibuka lagi!…
When you’re having a conference of more than 1000 participants, like the conference we’ve got here, you cannot expect real dialogues inside the sessions. Most of it will…
“Sir, I think the Sunshine Principle can be used to prevent corruption,” said a student in a class. The sun has the power to kill germs, he said….