Tag: Retha Dungga

This Is How The Techies Do It

How do you think the technologically-literate people empower the fight against corruption? You may think they’ll use the most advanced gizmos to track or spy on the corrupters….

Bersenjata Teknologi Menangkal Korupsi

Membaca judul tulisan ini, saya jadi tersenyum sendiri. Soalnya, kalau dengar jargon itu, yang pertama terpikir adalah penyadapan bagi koruptor a la investigator Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Atau pelacakan…

Embracing Youths to Fight Against Corruption

“Sir, I think the Sunshine Principle can be used to prevent corruption,” said a student in a class. The sun has the power to kill germs, he said….