The last four months give me two birthdays (RK’s and mine), plus a wedding anniversary (Yoga’s and yours truly, of course). Here’s some reflection of those events, which deserve a blogpost for each, but you know, somehow I always run out of time.

RK’s one year old!
Oh boy, one year passed by like a lightning. He was so small and easily carried by one hand when he was born, then at one year old, he’s a big boy who can stand on his own and start to walk (although still not confident enough without holding tight an adult’s hand). We did not have any birthday party, but head out to Hera Pictures studio to get some pretty pictures, then celebrate it that night by simple dinner with the grandparents, and the day after, a potluck with my bestfriends. Now he’s 15 months old and can do so many things, including walking (almost always in the verge of running) on his own, shaking his head when he does not agree, and following simple instructions like “give me a kiss-bye,” “please give this to Dad,” and “please get the toys for me.” He’s got some good sense of humour too he can already tease his family and bursts into laughter now and then. I wish him to be happier, healthier, smarter, kinder, wiser, and funnier in the following years to come.

Our second wedding anniversary
Two years of marriage may pale in comparison with my parents’ 33 years of marriage, but still, it’s quite a journey for Yoga and me. We’ve learned much more about each other in these two years than in our five years of dating. We find love in the beauty and ugliness of daily life, we find hope in the warm relationship as husband and wife. We learn a lot from our dearest son, RK, and from our parents, too. We learn to laugh more, to love more, to live more. We learn to apologize and to forgive, to accept and let go (including when Yoga gave me flowers a day after our wedding anniversary, despite my straightforward request of it days before the anniversary hahaha). I love you, Yoga, and I thank you for being gentle yet strong :*

My birthday, again
What have changed in the last year in my life? A lot. Like, a lot. Being a mother changed me inside out. Being a very selfish only-child, I never knew that I would have the ability to actually prioritize another human being beside myself (sorry Yoga, our son comes first, then me, and you’re next in my priority list :). Only now I can understand why my parents always put me first in their life. Sometimes it’s simple things like sacrificing my sleeping time to wake up every 1-2 hours at night when RK wants to nurse (right after RK was born, I used to count my next-to-nil sleeping time and whine about it all the time, but now I don’t really mind). And sometimes it’s bigger things like redistributing my shopping budget for RK’s education fund (which will demand a handsome sum of money around here). Being a mother also makes me more sentimental to stories, both fact and fiction, about family, children, and death. I’m far from being the perfect mom, and I don’t think I will ever be one, but I’m trying to improve motherhood skills. Which includes letting go and accepting the fact that, even after hours of labour in the kitchen, my son may refuse to eat what I cook. It’s ok, kiddo, I will eat it anyway. That’s what mothers do.

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