It’s Easter — again. Today’s the Easter for Orthodox Christians, and as I have one of them as a lovely flatmate, I get my share of egg-ly fun.

Last night, Iva, happy to get colourful dyes from Sofia (last year she could only get “bio” dyes in The Hague, which could give no colour to the eggs), prepared five bowls of water, vinegar, and dyes. Seven boiled eggs were ready to be dyed. Rubber bands, lilac, leaves, and candles served to be decoration tools, along with bundles of cotton and tissues.

The crafty Ashley chose to deal with uncooked egg — she put two tiny holes at the ends of the egg, did some tricks with needle and paper clip, then blew out the content of the egg. Hardcore.

Ashley’s egg had the honour to be the first one dyed. And according to Bulgarian tradition, it must be dyed red. The rest of the eggs ended up being multi-coloured, with different motifs on the shells. My first one was a weird orange with blue streak, the second is better and looks like a red dinosaur egg due to the dots made with candle, while the third is blue-red-purple criscrossed with rubber band marks. Ashley’s egg-with-a-face is the winning design, though.

After midnight we got to eat the sweet bread Kozunak, then of course we did the famous egg fight. It was really fun and I’m lucky to have experienced it, thanks to Iva 😀

Velikden* to those who celebrate Easter today!

(*Happy Easter in Bulgarian)

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