Tag: 14th IACC
Learn Spanish (a long-neglected resolutions since years ago… *sigh*). Go back to campus. Build a wider network to make Indonesia better. Get closer to Yekaterinburg, in any cost….
Wajah Georg Neumann tampak lelah di malam penutupan Konferensi Antikorupsi Internasional ke-14 di Bangkok, Sabtu (13/11). Di bawah kedua mata Koordinator Komunikasi Senior Transparency International itu, terlihat kantung…
We all are fighting corruption, but aren’t we curious why and how our friends started it? Heres short stories from three of 1000-plus people pacing back and fro…
Natalia Nikolaeva Magnitskaya never expected to lose her son, a corporate lawyer from Russia, Sergei Leonidovich Magnitsky. She always hoped that Sergei will be a great man and…
Most corrupt countries have a large proportion of youth in the population. A big number of anti-corruption efforts are already operating in those states and there are surely…
Governments and donors are warned to be more careful in distributing disaster relief funds. It has many critical points which are prone to corruption. ‘Where the most money…
When you’re having a conference of more than 1000 participants, like the conference we’ve got here, you cannot expect real dialogues inside the sessions. Most of it will…