Tag: Den Haag Page 2 of 3

Sampai jumpa, Afifa! Mwaaah!

Sebelum Afifa Hengkang Dari Belanda

Kami kencan malam ini 😀 Makan pasta lezat dan tidak begitu mahal (penting!) di Vapiano, lantas pintong ke Cafe Dudok untuk ngemil pai apel dan es krim rasa…

Losing But Still Happy

Because it’s not a zero-sum game 🙂 Today we ISS students have a sport competition in De Blinkerd between old batch and new batch — volleyball, basketball, badminton,…

#OccupyDenHaag.. Not.

Went to city center to buy some groceries, then passed by the Binnenhof to see whether there was still some commotion of the Occupy Den Haag demonstration.. I…


The library’s small, but its development studies collection is comprehensive (of course, ISS only offers MA and PhD in development studies anyway..). It’s also well-lit, cozy, comfortable, and…


Besok pagi jam 8 harus sudah siap di depan kampus untuk berangkat ke kantor imigrasi demi mendapatkan ijin tinggal (residence permit). Salah satu prosedurnya adalah harus melalui tes…

Catatan Anak Kuliah

Kuliah lagi berarti banyak pengalaman dan pengetahuan baru, dari bahan kuliah dan bacaan misalnya. Tapi kuliah di ISS, yang latar belakang mahasiswanya begitu beragam, membuat arus hal baru…


Last weekend was perfectly sunny, warm, and nice. Me and Gina decided to museum-hop in The Hague: it’s fun, healthy, and most important of all: cheap! Using the…

A Great Day… Not.

This was my plan: Attend the morning class, go to Amsterdam to interview a world-class lawyer from Bohler, stroll the metropolitan in the afternoon, perhaps shop a lil…


Prinsjesdag, literally means Prince’s Day, is the day when the Queen (or King) or The Netherlands addresses a joint session of Eerste Kamer (Senate) and Tweede Kamer (House…

Tentang Rawagede

Kemarin, pengadilan Den Haag mengabulkan gugatan keluarga korban pembantaian Rawagede. Pemerintah Belanda harus bertanggung jawab dan membayar ganti rugi, meski jumlahnya belum jelas berapa. Saya rasanya malu karena…

Best Birthday Ever (Away From Home)

Of course birthdays are better if you had it with family and close friends.. But we still have to deal with it in The Hague. This is the…


Di Den Haag, saya kebagian asrama pas di belakang gedung ISS. Nggak sampai dua menit jalan kaki, sudah sampai kampus. Dari empat tingkat bangunan asrama, saya tinggal di…