Tag: ISS Page 1 of 3
14 December 2012, yesterday, was the graduation day of ISS students. I was not part of the graduating batch, as I am actually in a two-years Mundus MAPP…
What’s happened with the pledge to blog everyday? Uhm. Sorry. Been M.I.A. for a while. The usual heap of exam and papers at the end of the term…
100+ dorm residents with only four washing machines and four dryers are the perfect ingredients for a very long, time- and patience-consuming queue I have to endure during…
The Qualitative Interviewing course finally came to an end. The whole course might not be something that teaches surprising, new things, but towards the end, the interview project…
Jarak jauh boleh jadi justru membuat kita makin sayang, bangga, dan juga makin mengenali negeri sendiri. Setidaknya, itu yang kami rasakan pada International Day ISS, 19 November 2011….
Banyak buku menarik bertebaran di perpustakaan kampus, tapi di sini nggak ada kios fotokopi yang dengan jago nan murah-meriah bisa menyalin buku secara utuh tanpa peduli dengan hak…
So the essay frenzy has ended, rather disappointing and unsuccessfully, at 10 am this morning. I practically tortured myself with that piles of reading and almost no time…
Sore tadi saya bertemu dengan dosen pembimbing untuk konsultasi tentang esai mata kuliah Continuity, Change and the Politics of Institutional Reforms: Key Debates in Governance and Democracy. Mata…
Empat bulan di Belanda, tujuh kartu baru menyesaki dompet saya sekarang. Yang satu, Museumkaart, lagi dipinjam, jadi nggak bisa ikutan nongol di foto sebelah kiri, hihihi… Kartu pertama…